John Ball

John Ball

Johnny Ball is the host of Podfluence (formerly Speaking Influence), the podcast for mid-life entrepreneurs about building professional influence with podcasts. I'm a persuasive podcast presentation skills coach, an online course trainer and a semi-professional speaker on topics like podcasting for business growth & thought leadership, ethical persuasion skills and developing charisma. An online coach and course creator, 12 years as a coach and trainer with T.Harv Eker. My extensive coaching knowledge, experience and effortless charisma make for an entertaining and informative read as one of the seemingly few sceptical thinkers in this space, I'm big on critical thinking skills, awareness of logical fallacies and questioning conventional wisdom. Currently working full-time as a setter for Grow The Show with Kevin Chemidlin, I'm finding many lessons, distinctions and a lot of growth in learning sales skills and helping podcasters like myself. Here to share my professional and personal insights, some philosophy (he do love the Stoics) and more besides with a healthy dose of humour and not taking myself too seriously. I sometimes call myself the James Cordon of podcasting: a chubby English bloke who thinks he's pretty funny. Judge for yourself.